fashion show

[ˈfæʃən ʃəu]
  • 释义
  • 时装表演会;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He tried to direct the video like a fashion show, bawling instructions to the girls.


  • 2、

    Models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show.


  • 3、

    The fashion show was a technicolour extravaganza.


  • 4、

    Then elaborates the premise and the foundation which the fashion show produces.


  • 5、

    The class 1 , Grade 7 students are a fashion show in the school hall.


  • 6、

    How about going to the fashion show?


  • 7、

    There'll be dancing after the fashion show.


  • 8、

    On fashion show meeting, they are penetrating the clothing being unlike a times.

    在时装表演会上, 他们穿着不同时代的服装.

  • 9、

    The Chinese fashion show caused a sensation in Moscow.


  • 10、

    No it's not Indonesian Idol, but a fashion show organized by the Red Cross.

    不,这不是印尼人的偶像崇拜, 而是一场由红十字会所举办的时尚秀.

  • 11、

    She must have practiced it for years. Oh, is that a fashion show?

    她一定弹我很多年了. 哎, 那是时装表演 吗 ?

  • 12、

    Millie is free this weekend, she may go to the fashion show.

    米莉这个周末有空, 她可能要去看时装展.

  • 13、

    You are cordially invited to our fashion show on January 12 at the Exhibition Hall.


  • 14、

    The fashion show features Chinese traditional dresses, casual outfits and elegant evening gowns.

    时装秀上,模特款款步出,展出了旗袍唐装 、 休闲装、晚装等款式.

  • 15、

    The models collected at the agency three hours before the fashion show.


  • 16、

    Get familiar with the attire classifications, the procedures of a fashion show and some modeling styles.

    使学生能大致了解服装的分类 、 服装表演的过程;服装表演的一些方法.

  • 17、

    I will watch the news at seven first, then watch the fashion show.

    我要先看7点钟的新闻, 然后看时装表演.

    ——地道口语脱口SHOW 初中基础篇
  • 18、

    Miss Universe, Jennifer Hawkins supermodel appeared in spring and summer fashion show in Sydney.

    2004年环球小姐 、 超模詹妮弗·霍金斯亮相悉尼春夏季服装秀.

  • 19、

    Attending to the debut of fashion show is their favorite.


  • 20、

    Miss Traditional Papua New Guinea is a fashion show that embraces the simple life.


  • 21、

    I like that fashion show at 9:00 on GDTV.


  • 22、

    Ou garden + Boat, Silk and fashion show, Taihu Scenic Spot, Pearl Museum, lihu Park.

    藕园[船游], 丝绸制作厂+服装表演, 太湖风景区, 珍珠馆, 蠡湖公园.

  • 23、

    I was asked to juggle torches at a fashion show with a Polynesian theme.


  • 24、

    This fashion show is organized very well.


  • 25、

    The Easter promenade is well known as a fashion show.


  • 26、

    Mike: We're late. The fashion show is in five minutes.

    迈克: 我们迟到了. 五分钟后时装表演就开始了.

  • 27、

    She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow.


  • 28、

    You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.

    “我有两张时装表演的票.愿和我一起去吗? ”“当然愿意 啦.”
